Landlord Insurance Influenced By Tenants
Landlords and letting agents need to be aware of the importance of having the right Landlord Insurance policy to protect their rental property assets rather than tailoring insurance policies to suit the needs of their tenants.
UK landlords are discovering that some insurance companies are reluctant to cover certain categories of tenants, including students or benefit tenants, claiming Housing Benefit or Local Housing Allowance (LHA) and often discriminate against tenants who have criminal convictions.
Tenant circumstances can lead to insurance premiums being higher for landlords as opposed to residential premiums paid by home-owners and there can be clauses that can render the policy void if changes in a tenant’s circumstances are not disclosed immediately.
It is recommended that landlords think carefully about what type of tenants they want to attract, as they could end up paying out more for their landlord insurance policy and could also face an increased excess threshold.
The number of possible mainstream insurers a landlord can approach for cover may be limited, unless they use insurers approved and recommended by specialist landlord and letting agent service providers, such as Legal 4 Landlords.
Landlords are urged to get their tenants to take out their own tenants contents insurance premiums to protect the contents belonging to the tenant and the landlord should ensure that the fabric of the building is fully covered.
Recent research from Design on Property, revealed that more tenants are beginning to consider the landlord’s reputation before signing a tenancy agreement.