Key Insurance from LegalforLandlords
“Where did I put my keys?!”
We’ve all been there, that sinking feeling when you reach into your pocket for your keys and they’re not there. The desperate patting down of all other possible pockets. Often, you find the key, but when you don’t, it’s always at the most inconvenient time.
It’s dark, late and it’s raining. Unfortunately we’re not magic, so can’t have them reappear in a poof of smoke, but what we can do, is insure them for you and it’s only £15.00 for a year’s cover.
Didn’t know you could insure your keys? Of course you can, because the above scenario is a daily reality for many of us!
What is Key Insurance?
Our Key Insurance policy provides cover for the policyholder and any immediate member of their family for insured keys which are lost, stolen or damaged by accidental means. This includes house keys, office keys and even vehicle keys. It also covers security safe keys and any immobiliser, Infrared handset and/or alarm which is integral to any insured key if it cannot be repaired or reprogrammed.
What’s covered?
Our Key Insurance policy will cover up to £1,500 in any one period of insurance in respect of:
– Locksmiths charges
– New locks (if a security risk has arisen)
– Replacement insured keys
– Up to £50 in respect of keys locked in your property or vehicle.
– Up to £50 in respect of insured keys which are unusable due to being damaged or broken in the lock.
– If you are stranded due to the insured keys being lost, stolen or damaged by accidental means, the insurer will pay up to £100 per day for a maximum of 3 days in respect of reasonably incurred onward transportation costs.
Contact our team of experts today to set up your policy for less than £20 a year –
Get covered today and relax!