Raising Money for Alder Hey

Little Browsers raising money for the little ones

If you’re not sure how you’d cope if your child became seriously ill, you’re not alone. Fortunately, in the North West, we’ve got the amazing Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and Charity close by. That’s where Jacob, son of Joanne from our Legal Team, has been receiving treatment for a brain tumour.

It’s been a very tough few weeks for the family, but indications are that the surgeons have managed to completely remove the tumour. Poor Jacob still has a lot of recovering to do, but his pals at the Little Browsers Nursery are busy raising funds for the hospital. They’ve set up a fundraising page, which is marvellous, and we’re supporting their efforts by sharing the link. If you can help, please do here: http://bit.ly/2XJePKc

We’re doing our bit for Alder Hey too


When things like this strike so close to home, it’s a natural urge to see what you can do. Little Browsers have their own campaign, but we’ve decided to organise a sponsored walk as well. We’ve picked England’s highest peak as our destination, and so far, 10 of our team have agreed to don their walking boots on the 22nd June to support Alder Hey.

Before the deadline, we may persuade one or two more to join us. If you don’t fancy the walk, you can donate by following this link: http://bit.ly/2F2EoP1

Thank you, from the LegalforLandlords team.