Farrell-Ambrose L4Ls Winning Franchise
L4L’s Winning Franchise
With rents fast approaching their 2007 peak, and private residential property in much demand, landlords are now looking to increase their portfolios. The PRS is becoming a growth industry, through lack of consumer mortgages and social sector housing. The industry sectors supporting and supplying services to letting agents and landlords are rapidly becoming sought after, popular business opportunities.
For those looking to establish a new business in one of these industries, going it alone can seem daunting. A franchise will probably seem like the safest option, as with a franchise not only are you provided with a sound and already-proven investment, but you have the security of ongoing support and assistance.
Legal 4 Landlords offer one of the most innovative and profitable franchise opportunities to be seen in this industry. Based in Warrington, Cheshire they offer range of services, which include:
- Tenant & Commercial Evictions
- Rent Recovery
- Debt Recovery
- Buildings & Contents Insurance
- Rent & Legal Expenses Guarantees
- No Deposit Guarantees
- Tenant Referencing
L4L have also introduced a splendid scheme, which allows LHA payments to bypass the tenant and go direct to the landlord.
The franchised areas are exclusive and are rapidly selling throughout the UK. Franchisees operating under the L4L banner are reporting an income in excess of £60,000 in their first year.
When asked how the Legal 4 Landlord franchise has boomed, Steven Moss, senior partner explained, “ We offer the PRS a completely unique service, bridging the lettings industry with the legal side. As a company, we never stop searching for new methods in which to simplify issues and problems for landlords.”
Offering a full training programme; marketing plan tailored to an area, complete ongoing support and training, and bespoke software, the L4L franchise is a real winner.
Marks 10/10
Amanda Fitzgerald,