Emergency Bank Treating Landlords Unfairly
The British media are claiming Buy-To-Let properties are being mishandled by the emergency bank, UK Asset Resolution, set up by the UK Government.
UK Asset Resolution, the emergency bank set up by the UK coalition Government to manage the Buy-To-Let mortgages originally lent by Northern Rock and Bradford & Bingley, is alleged to be treating landlord borrowers unfairly.
A number of borrowers allege that heavy-handed actions by UK Asset Resolution is leading to widespread tenant evictions, business failures and the sale of thousands of properties at depressed prices.
The allegations printed in the Mail on Sunday may be difficult to prove, but it is claimed that thousands of homes are being seized, mismanaged and put into receivership.
It is also alleged that UKAR fail to maintain the properties and are ultimately selling them on for less than their true market value. Tenants are being needlessly evicted and taxpayers are being short-changed because the properties are sold at a loss.
The paper admits that the allegations, which are being publicly voiced online on websites such as the Consumer Action Group, are difficult to prove.
A number of large borrowers allege that heavy-handed action by UK Asset Resolution is leading to widespread tenant evictions and business failures but borrowers are stuck.
Most have little or no equity in their portfolios of property, and so cannot find another lender. On the other hand, UKAR’s objective is to get their loans off its books.
Struggling landlords can utilise a variety of available services, such as Rent Guarantee insurance to keep their monthly cashflow strong and ensure their Buy-To-Let properties continue to produce a revenue.
UKAR’s function is to wind down the £77 Billion (GBP) mortgages it took on in 2008 after the failure of Northern Rock and Bradford &Bingley.
Its overall objective is to claw back some of the Billions of pounds used in the banking bailouts, for taxpayers.
Landlord mortgages are not policed by the Financial Services Authority, (FSA), a quirk in the current regulations, so rules about ‘treating customers fairly’ do not apply.
However, UKAR insists it is sympathetic and fair. A spokesman said: “UKAR has around 750,000 mortgages on its books. Whether a homeowner or a landlord, we aim to deal with everyone fairly and sensibly. We understand that landlords with little or no equity face particular problems and we will always try and do our best to deal with these on a case by case basis”.
You can read the full Mail on Sunday article here