You don’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to trace your tenants

Sherlock Holmes character with a pipe and magnifying glass

You don’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to trace your tenants.

Our tracing and debt recovery experts are here to make life easier when you need it most, by taking away the stress and pain of tracking down your tenants, so you can recover the money you are owed.

We have access to internal and third-party systems which are more robust than electoral roll tracing. Combined with our investigative experience we have very high rates of success with results returned anywhere between 7 to 14 days.

And it’s not only tracing that we can help with…

Learn more about our debt recovery services.

Our debt recovery experts will review your situation and advise you on what is likely to be the most cost-effective route to recover the unpaid rent and the likelihood of a successful repayment and rough scales for the process.