Work from home tenants
Tenants running businesses from their rented properties have been put under the spotlight following a recent case in Nottingham. The tenant in question hadn’t set up as a local AVON rep or as a web designer working from a back bedroom, no, this individual was running a scrap metal business from his front garden for all and sundry to see.
A number of local residents gave statements for court as evidence of the effect Mr Collier’s actions have had on the local community.
They complained the place had been dangerous for months and was an eyesore impacting on the quality of life for residents in the area.
This is not just an issue for the social housing sector, private residential landlords need to take action against people with unkempt gardens who spoil the look of the area and show no respect for other residents. It’s quite simple, landlords need to set out tenancy conditions that gardens must be maintained to an acceptable standard. A tenant who can’t abide by this is breaking the agreement and can be taken to court. Residents need to remember – not everyone wants to know their business, literally.