We’d like you to give us a rating

Straight up, we’re asking for a little help.

We’ve entered an award scheme which recognises the best property professionals in the UK. Unlike some awards which have a judging panel which reviews each entrant submissions, The ESTAS are decided by those who are the best possible judge of service standards – the customers.

The ESTAS supplier awards is a national scheme, sponsored by Zoopla, and last year more than 40,000 customer feedback surveys were submitted. The feedback doesn’t just decide who wins the accolade, it’s also used to improve services for the future.

The survey is and it’s your chance to have your say. We’d love it if you rated us highly, but we care about what you really think because #ServiceMatters. It’s knowing the areas where we could improve which will allow us to keep getting better.

That’s what we like about The ESTAS. Yes, there’s a do in London with Phil Spencer doing the honours, but it’s about much more than a night of celebrations. It’s an award scheme that actively drives change and promotes the highest standards. Founder of The ESTAS Group Simon Brown says “We live in a world where the client decision-making process is influenced more and more by customer feedback and reviews so The ESTAS provides a kite mark of excellent service for any property professional involved in the home moving process.”

In other words, we need your support, not so we can win – although that would be terrific – but so that we can carry on supporting you in the best possible way.


Sim Sekhon