Too Old To Invest In Property?

Are You Really Too Old To Become A Landlord?

Are You Really Too Old To Become A Landlord?

There are scores of the current generation who are already facing the nightmare that is an under-funded retirement.

It may appear unfortunate, but more and more people over the age of 60 are beginning to realise that it’s not too late to do something!

It must be extremely scary to reach the end of your working life, only to discover that your pension is massively underfunded.

When it happens to retiree’s, almost the same story comes out every time, “I had a property in the 80s, if only I’d kept it, and bought another”.

Nowadays – 60 is the new 40!

People still have time to build a decent rental property portfolio, and they can guarantee their rental income from the property by utilising Rent Guarantee Insurance products, providing a regular and healthy income stream, but there isn’t time to wait.

In many cases, mainstream mortgage lenders are happy to lend on PRS Buy-To-Let properties up until an applicant’s 75th birthday.

At aged 60 you still have 20 good years left to provide for a happy retirement, especially with the leaps and bounds of medical advances.

Twenty years could see a great deal of capital growth and a substantial amount of rental income. Twenty years provides the opportunity for a whole lot of living to be done.

And if you’re under 60 and reading this: Why wait until you’re 60 to learn the lesson? Get into property investment now and get started providing for your retirement.