Thumbs up for eviction proposals
Legal 4 Landlords is backing plans by Housing Minister Grant Shapps that aim to make it easier and quicker to evict troublesome tenants from social housing.
Following the horrendous scenes of looting and riots across UK cities, many councils have pledged to take a tough stance on those involved, warning that they will fight to evict those found responsible.
The Housing Minister’s proposals aim to cut the length and time of court procedures, speeding up the time it takes to receive a possession order. Under the proposals, authorities would be able to take into account past convictions for anti social behaviour. This means those responsible for the looting and riots could find themselves evicted from their homes in the not too distant future.
If you’re a landlord with a bad tenant that is carrying out anti social behaviour, don’t be tempted to act without thinking it through first. There are many procedures that should be taken before eviction. We have a number of private landlords coming to us to help them deal with bad tenants that are carrying out anti social behaviour and we handle the whole process on their behalf.
As the UK’s largest specialists in tenant evictions, we’ve seen it all and have seen an increase in the number of tenant evictions due to anti social behaviour. We have a three step approach to evictions that you can read about here. We’ve been successful in every case so give us a call for any advice.
Our in house system means we can cut the eviction time by up to three weeks, dealing with the tenant direct, serving notices and ensuring paperwork is correct.
The changes to evictions for anti social tenants are due to be introduced over the next 12 months.