Thanks for this year, here’s to the next

Every job has its highs and every sector goes through periods of change. But it feels like this year, property rental has been on the receiving end of a bit too much attention. We’d all like a period of calm and quiet. And then maybe some certainty about legislation that’s heading our way and when it will arrive – that would be good.

But this is meant to be a season of great joy, so let’s park the pending changes for a moment and have a small celebration of the year’s positives. And although we don’t want to crow too much, it’s been a pretty good year at LegalforLandlords.

We’re pushing on with the changes that make the business of property rental (and it is a business, let’s not forget that) more profitable. We’re continuing to work for higher standards and more professionalism in the industry. We’ve introduced new products that suit each of our customer groups to a ‘T’, and our customer base continues to grow. We’re getting great feedback on our informative webinar series and the team is going from strength to strength.

That’s just a snapshot, there’s a lot happening and we’re working on more great ideas that we’ll be launching in 2018. Which brings us nicely to the fact that there’s a new year coming up, and despite all the changes, we think it’s going to be a good one. Our sector is maturing, that’s all, and like a fine wine or a good cheese, it’ll improve. We’re confident of that because we know the people in this sector are determined and resourceful. We’d like to wish every one of them a peaceful and happy end to the year, and all the best for the year to come.

Thanks for making 2017 another great year.


Sim Sekhon and all the team at LegalforLandlords.