Stay connected with LegalforLandlords

The LegalforLandlords team may be working from home, but we’re still working at full strength to provide the five star service you’re used to.

Times are strange, but as a landlord or agent, your job doesn’t stop. That’s why we’ve made sure you have 24/7 access to all of our referencing, insurance and legal services, alongside the provision to book an online consultation with a member of the LforL team.

Website and Live Chat

You can still browse our website to find out everything you need to know about tenant referencing, legal services, insurance and rental essentials. Plus you can use our Live Chat function to speak to a member of the team quickly. You can also visit our blog page to keep up to date with the latest in the industry.


myNative is our online system which helps keep you up to speed with tenant referencing, legal and insurance. For references, you can track the progress from submitting the application to your potential tenants, right up to the final stages. If your tenants have passed you can even use myNative to take out our insurance products for that extra peace of mind. myNative also has a live chat function so you can speak with a member of our customer service team in a quick and convenient way. You can login here.

Online Consultation

To avoid non-essential travel, as well as helping to protect you, we’re conducting all meetings, training sessions and consultations online via screen share, conference calls and video calls. You can easily book an online consultation with us here.