Look sharp – it’s 2019
Look sharp
This could be a very interesting year for the property rental sector. There’s a biggish event taking place towards the end of March which could have a major long-term impact on the economy, property prices and inflation. Equally, it could be a bit of a storm in a teacup and it will be a case of business as usual and wondering what all the fuss was about.
Now, I’ve deliberately thrown the phrase ‘business as usual’ into that last sentence because that approach concerns me far more than the possible implications of Brexit. Any organisation that isn’t ready, willing and able to cope with change – be it a major upheaval or a minor bump in the road – will run into trouble, sooner or later.
In my last blog, I urged those in the sector, agents and landlords alike, to enjoy a bit of downtime over the Christmas and New Year period, but to keep themselves ready to face 2019’s challenges. Now that the fireworks and festivities are put to bed, it’s time to look sharp and make this year as successful as possible. If you drift into a ‘business as usual’ mindset, even without any political events, you are at risk. Your competitors will be making progress, and if you’re not making progress in a sector that has to change, you’re going backwards.
And I do believe that the sector has to change. We need improved efficiency and services that are more affordable, appropriate and effective. We need to capitalise on economies of scale, build partnerships and differentiate our offering so that the experience of our customers becomes exceptional. Why? Simply because it’s time the sector grew up. It’s no longer a place for the opportunistic landlord to make a quick buck or where the desperation of tenants to find a decent property means they will tolerate poor service and hefty fees. It is time for everyone to become professional and to deliver their best.
Grow your business in 2019
That’s why our plans for 2019 include a series of roadshows. I’ve long believed that LegalforLandlords should be more than a service provider. We should help to educate and inform. The plain facts are that the most efficient lettings agencies outperform others in the market massively. They do this, not by employing any miraculous secret, but by staying focused on getting all the details right. Knowing that should fill all agents with confidence about their future potential. That’s the message we’ll be delivering at the roadshows. Agencies should be thinking beyond simply weathering the storm of the fees ban or the impact of compulsory licensing. They need to think about growth.
Keep a look out for your Roadshow invitation because you won’t want to miss it. We’ve got a couple of amazing speakers in the line-up who are leading experts in agency growth.
Business as usual simply isn’t good enough. That, is in a nutshell, is my message to the sector at the start of the year. Let’s look sharp. Let’s be sharp. Let’s be professional.
Let’s shine.
Happy New Year.