Landlords Chased by Bailiffs for Tenant Debts

Latest Landlord News by: Madalena Penny

For landlords, the devil is indeed in the detail, wasting landlords time and money.  Caught up in the ongoing government drama of benefit cuts, caps and reform currently affecting the private rented sector, another recession driven trend is emerging enraging landlords across the UK.

Bailiffs and debt recovery companies’ hell bent on recovering tenants outstanding debts are now turning to their landlords for large payments of unpaid utility bills, sometimes without any prior correspondence. By checking out ownership through the land registry, debt recovery companies are chancing their arm at the name on the title deeds.

Teams at Legal 4 Landlords, who are also incidentally responsible debt recovery specialists have received enquiries from concerned landlords regarding these demands and also to confirm the status and responsibility of the debt.  As long as landlords have a valid tenancy for that property, there’s no liability for the landlord.  Tenants are responsible for their own utility, water and council tax bills, unless otherwise stipulated in the tenancy.

However this brings us to another worrisome trend.  There has been a spate of cases in which tenants have doctored their tenancies to include utilities and council tax within the rental agreement and included in the rent. In a couple of cases, legal 4 landlords have undertaken, landlords initials and signatures have been forged.

In another case, L4L were alerted about a very dubious solicitor who undertakes tenants cases once tenants have been rightly evicted and threatens court action against the landlord upon removal of rubbish from the property, stating that they were priceless heirlooms.  One solicitor has done this for the same tenant to 3 different landlords at 3 different properties.  As the tenant receives legal aid, the hapless landlord is forced to pay legal fees or settle upon an amount.

Ensure tenancy agreements are correct and that your tenant-referencing product is a good one.  If you have to evict a bad tenant, whether through anti-social behaviour, unpaid rent or both, make sure that you use an eviction specialist who knows their way around the legal ground.

If in doubt call Legal 4 Landlords on 0844 567 4001 or email: for FREE advice.

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  1. […] As long as landlords have a valid tenancy for that property, there’s no liability for the landlord. Tenants are responsible for their own utility, water and council tax bills, unless otherwise stipulated in the tenancy. via […]

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