Landlords Be Prepared For Severe Weather!
The UK weather is set to turn and a cold harsh winter could be on the cards with weather forecasters predicting falling temperatures and heavy snowfalls likely for late November and December.It is vital for landlords and homeowners to ensure their rental properties and homes are properly weatherproofed and ready to take on the elements and also to make sure they have insurance just in case!
Rental property repairs can prove costly when the worst happens, but routine property maintenance can help prepare your properties for the coming winter weather.
Landlords Household Insurance from Legal 4 Landlords covers against those risks associated with letting property to tenants, providing you with peace of mind as well as satisfying your buy-to-let mortgage lender’s requirements.
Landlords can prepare their rental properties for the predicted colder weather ahead by doing a few simple jobs around the property. Here are a few tips and warning signs to look out for:
• Make sure the property is properly insulated, from lofts to cavity fillings to exclude drafts, prevent heat lost and conserve energy. This should include draft- proofing all windows, doors and letterboxes.
• Check pipes are insulated to protect from frost and to prevent heat loss.
• Check for missing roof tiles, and make sure the flashings to the chimney and around any skylight windows are intact.
• Unblock drains and clear the guttering of any leaves, moss and vegetation.
• You legally have to have the properties boiler serviced once every year. (CP12).
When you have this done, it is a good idea to also consider having a system flush undertaken as this will revitalise the central heating system and increase the longevity of operation. It will allow the central heating system to reach temperature far more quickly, thereby reducing fuel costs and putting less strain on the boiler.
• Make sure all windowsills and door frames are properly coated and protected, with no rotting wood. Get any painting completed as soon as possible, once the wet and cold weather set in, they won’t dry as quickly.
Preparing your rental property for the cold wet weather is critical and landlords should not underestimate the work that needs to be undertaken. By keeping on top of this simple and effective routine year after year, the tasks are unlikely to turn into bigger jobs with larger repair bills.