Struggling to get the rent you’re owed?

For this month only, LegalforLandlords are offering . Yes, that's…

Landlords beware: the problem with bailiff appointments

Procedural inefficiencies make a landlord’s life much harder…

The quickest way to evict a tenant: our findings

Landlords have the power to evict tenants, but this comes with…
Landlords Who Operate Outside The Law On Tenant Evictions Will Be Prosecuted

Another Landlord Convicted For Unlawful Tenant Eviction

Landlords Who Operate Outside The Law On Tenant Evictions…

Landlord Details Must Be Included In Prescribed Information

Solicitors state that all landlord details should be included…

Tenant Eviction Figures Increase Again

Landlord Possession Claims Soar Again   There has been…

Tenants In Severe Rent Arrears Reduced

The number of tenants in severe rent arrears declined by 15.6%…

Evictions Soar As Property Owners Struggle With Payments

Millions of property owners and tenants renting property in…